POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : REQ: Macro - Fill Sphere with Cylinders : REQ: Macro - Fill Sphere with Cylinders Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:19:18 EDT (-0400)
  REQ: Macro - Fill Sphere with Cylinders  
From: Ken
Date: 20 Apr 1999 21:44:58
Message: <371D1FCF.E5AA43BE@pacbell.net>
Good day people,

* Are you bored ?

* Do you need something to do ?

* Have you run out of ideas for projects to work on ?

* Do you like tackling new projects just for the challenge of it ?

* Do you just feel like a really nice person today and would like to help ?

* If you answered YES to any of the above statements then please read on.

   To date I have seen a few macro's written that will fill a particular
 geometry with spherical objects. I have not seen a macro that will fill
 a spherical or box shaped geometry with long cylindrical shapes. Possible
 uses for a macro of this type would be to fill a small bowl or dish with
 loosely piled, randomly rotated, tooth picks. There are countless other
 possible uses but I think this conveys the concept of the intended macro
 function. I found myself today momentarily considering modelling a similar
 scenario and dismissed it as too difficult to model without the aid of a
 macro or similar process solution.

  So how about it. Do I hear any takers for this challenging yet highly
 useful macro project ? We the Pov people of the world need your support
 and our words of praise for your efforts will not be small in number if
 you succeed.

 With kind regards,

 Ken Tyler


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